My Last-Minute Vacation Checklist

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I love to travel but there is always something that I forget to bring along while going away from home. It is quite frustrating to look for something in your bag and realize you left it at home. It has happened to all of us. Don’t worry. Here is a checklist I made to help myself get everything I need in my bag. It can help you too. So just follow it and enjoy a great vacation.


Instead of opting for a variety of clothes, choose only a few. It costs nothing to plan your vacation in advance. I always plan an itinerary and pack my clothes accordingly. Everything is neatly organized depending on when it is to be worn. The outfits are pre-decided for each place too. I know exactly what to wear on what day. I always carry an extra dress, just in case.


Scarves and hats are essentials in your suitcase. These small accessories often get overlooked and create issues for you when you reach your destination. As you have your clothes for each day sorted already, pick up hats and scarves that match. I would not suggest keeping an army of these accessories for a vacation. That just makes for extra luggage. Keep a few that match with most of your outfits and you are good to go.


I don’t usually carry too many pairs of shoes while travelling and stick to the basics. Shoes make my luggage heavier and I don’t like carrying 2-3 bags of luggage on a long weekend getaway. Keep two pairs of casuals, and a pair of flip-flops for strolling around. A pair of fancy shoes are great if you will be attending a party. If I ever run out of shoe options, I can always buy them on my mandatory shopping trip around town.


I always forget to bring jewellery along on vacations. So, I sort them in advance. I keep minimal jewellery for vacations. Buy a small jewellery box and keep all your stuff there. Don’t forget to keep jewellery box. This has happened to me once. I carefully packed all my jewelry into a box and forgot the box on the dresser. Imagine my disappointment when I realized I didn’t have anything.


Your lotion, toothpaste, toothbrush, cleansers, and scrubs should be packed neatly in your bag. Don’t forget the sunscreen. In fact, carry lots of it. I don’t prefer to experiment with sunscreens too much. So, I carry whatever I need right from home. I like hitting the beach, so a sunscreen is essential. I prefer not to hold my skin and hair care routine during a vacation. So, I carry smaller packages of my foot scrub, body scrub, cleanser, and creams along.

The small things we all forget

Have you ever forgotten to carry ear plugs, chargers, sunglasses, eye masks and travel pillows at home? You need to focus on this section. It is not a pleasant situation to travel without your ear plugs and sunglasses. Don’t forget to check if you have added them.

This was my small and useful checklist for packing right before my vacation. Go through it once before heading out of home. It could be of great help.

Olivia Godfrey

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