Why Paris the most adored city

While New York may boast for its tall and bigger skyscrapers, London for extensive – Paris knows it is full of flavor and style. This small and intense city is exquisite in both scale and content. With over 40000 public monuments and Its attention to detail is what makes this city tick. The architect, the people of Paris, love perfection. You can’t make bread here; you have to make the world’s best bread. Because of this discipline and its manicured looks, Paris has had more admirers than any other city in the world. For its size, Paris is the biggest spender for keeping up appearances. flights from London to Nice and flights from London to Paris

With many public monuments, the Eiffel Tower dominates Paris, and indeed it was meant to. It was built in 1889 to demonstrate France was on top of its class. It remains the world’s most visited attraction and one of the most photographed structures in the world. The city of light lives up to its reputation and switches itself on with over 40 million visitors in 2018 alone. Tourists enjoy its pleasure pondering at Monalisa in Louvre, the world’s largest and busiest museum in the world. Another unique public attraction constructed by Charles Garnier is the Palais Garnier. The vast dome is adorned with a gilded statue of Apollo, triumphantly brandishing his lyre.

Food and fashion is a serious business in Paris – and while it has magnificent boulevards with cobblestone paving, they seem to be a great inspiration to fashion as people who walk on them have to look good in front of others. Another historical tradition is food. Paris is at the center of art cuisine because of the revolution. Paris cuisine is made of quality fresh baked and vegetables that create harmonious food.

Paris is a city striving for perfection that has archived a sort of fairy tale majesty. While there might be no such a thing as a perfect city, Paris is pretty magical, especially at night.

Olivia Godfrey

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